Exchanging experiences, connecting and learning from other EU diplomats

Last week, the Academy hosted the second module of the 25th edition of the European Diplomatic Programme (EDP). Together with European Integration Department (DIE), we organised a two-day program in the Hague for the two participants, Magnus Juhl from Denmark and Barbara Kovács from Hungary. 

Groepsfoto van het bezoek in Den Haag van twee deelnemers van het European Diplomatic Programme 2024-2025 en collega's van het Nederlandse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
Image: academie
Van links naar rechts: Anne van der Zijpp, Barbara Kovács, Magnus Juhl, Marijn Maats, Niels Ras en Mike Hemmen.

The program was filled with sessions by colleagues at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, elaborating upon the Dutch politics and foreign policy, the NATO summit 2025, exchanging working methods and networking with counterparts. Furthermore, a visit to the Dutch Parliament and to the International Criminal Court was made, and the participants were introduced to typical Dutch pancakes and ’poffertjes’ for lunch.

We would like to thank Irene Gerritsen, Niels Ras, Mike Hemmen, Anne van der Zijpp, Marijn Maats and Anjalie Ramkisor for organising this two-day program. As also the many colleagues, who made a very valuable contribution with their in-depth sessions. 

European Diplomatic Programme

The EDP program was established back in 1999 by the European External Action Service and represents a learning environment in which the participants can experiment, develop their core diplomatic skills, have open discussions and build up a pan-European network from which they can benefit the rest of their careers. The program fosters understanding between European Union (EU) Member States and the institutions and, focusing on EU external policy, contributes to true 'European diplomacy'.