Wishing you a great 2025!

It is time to take a break from work and spend time with family and friends. And to reflect on the past year. It was a turbulent year, with conflicts and crises at home and abroad and with impact on our work. We still like to look back on what we have achieved in 2024.

Teamfoto oktober 2024
Image: academie

A new learning portal

In January, the new learning portal went live. Colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ) no longer have to log in with a password and can search and book learning activities directly in the new learning portal. This makes it easier to continue learning and developing. Using data from the learning portal, the Academy can make better recommendations to colleagues. And data gives the Academy insight into colleagues' learning behaviour. In this way, the Academy can bring focus to its learning offerings and when developing new learning activities. 

Looking back to 2024

In addition to organising the learning and development programme International Foreign Affairs Policy Officer (IBBZ), policy and implementation, regional studies, leadership and management and the many lectures, the D&I learning activities have been expanded with a number of team training courses.

We also reviewed the language policy at BZ, launched an English-language learning line for management support staff, worked on strengthening official professionalism and worked towards making learning compulsory, including for the information security training. Finally, we also organised the central onboarding for new colleagues in The Hague as well as online for new colleagues at the missions worldwide.

Thanks to our partners!

We do not do this all on our own. We would like to thank our partners, both internal and external, for the fine collaboration. And on behalf of the Academy of International Relations team, we wish everyone happy holidays and a joyful 2025.