Annual report Academy for International Relations 2023 published online

In this online annual report, you can read how the team of the Academy for International Relations is committed to support all staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ) and other central government employees in an international role to learn and develop in terms of their personal skills, specialist knowledge, and diplomatic expertise, so that they are prepared to do their work to the best of their ability – now and in the future.

Go directly to the annual report 2023

The team of the Academy looks back on a great year of learning and development at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the online annual report you will not only read about our highlights and facts and figures, but you will also find background stories from our colleagues about their efforts in the learning pathways for various job groups, the implementation and design of a new learning portal, the organisation of the online lectures, the expansion of learning activities in the field of diversity & inclusion and the organisation of the monthly welcome day for all newcomers in The Hague.

Groepsfoto van teamleden academie d.d. 31 januari 2023. Het zijn 16 deelnemers en ze staan in twee rijen, 1 rij onder en 1 rij boven.
Image: ©academie / Jurgen Huiskens
From left to right upper row: Anjalie Ramkisor, Tamara Sturing, Gina Meertens, Babet Mooij, Rianne Zulfiqar - Wezendonk, Hind Ribeiro - Bidaoui, Jan Willem Naphegyi - Schouw, Sandra Kroes. From left to right row below: Frederik Birnie, Mirella van de Noort - Tijhaar, Loes Vonk, Henny Schippers, Janet Klaassen, Natasja Nikolić, Rik Reuvekamp, Irene Kessels. Not in the photo: Cobi de Kort-Parlevliet, Mark Jacobs, David Oey and Roos Petersen.