New general training course provider: SkillsTown
On 1 July 2022, the contract will end between central government and GoodHabitz, the current provider of general training courses available online through the Academy for International Relations.

SkillsTown: the successor to GoodHabitz
As of September, the new provider of general training courses offered online for all BZ staff (in The Hague and at the missions) will be SkillsTown. SkillsTown offers more than 250 online training courses in the form of webinars, videos and podcasts. Courses are available in Dutch and English. There are also some courses in French, Spanish and German, and more will be offered at a later date. SkillsTown also offers sector-specific learning activities focusing on a specific knowledge area, such as government.
Transition period
No general online learning activities will be available during the summer. We will be using this period to change providers.
SkillsTown learning activities
As of September, SkillsTown learning activities will be available through the Academy learning portal.
Completing GoodHabitz courses
If you are currently following a GoodHabitz training course, or intend to follow one, you have until Thursday 30 June to start and complete it. As of 1 July, GoodHabitz learning activities will no longer be available in the learning portal
Check out this webpage for the most current information. If you have any questions about completing your GoodHabitz course(s) or about the new SkillsTown learning activities, please contact us.