Janet Klaassen

Janet Klaassen

Janet Klaassen

Management Assistant
Organising in-house and external events, SSP, operational management.

I’m a management assistant at the Human Resources Department (HDPO), with a focus on the Academy for International Relations. I’m involved in many different tasks, directly and indirectly. One of these is the ministry-wide onboarding programme for new staff, helping them become acquainted with all aspects of the organisation.

Together with the onboarding coordinator and another management assistant, I organise both in-person onboarding days in The Hague and online onboarding meetings for new staff at the missions. The new staff are always very appreciative. It’s really satisfying to help staff make a good start in their new job. We were all the new employee once, so we all know how reassuring it is to have someone help you find your way in a large, complex organisation like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I also help arrange the swearing-in ceremonies for new staff. So, if you have any questions about onboarding or swearing-in, email us at onboarding@minbuza.nl.

But this is only one part of my job. I also organise various meetings for the Academy, both in-house and externally. I manage incoming emails and pass queries on to the learning advisers, depending on the subject. I send out announcements via the messaging system, SSP and Sharepoint, help organise Advisory Committee meetings and schedule interviews with candidates for vacancies in our team. I also manage the calendar of the head of the Academy and make all the arrangements for official trips.  

If you have any questions for me or about the Academy generally, please email us at academie@minbuza.nl, or call +31 (0)70 348 7500.