Anjalie Ramkisor

Anjalie Ramkisor

Anjalie Ramkisor

Assistant Learning Advisor, including communications
Linkedin, Bloomreach (PRO) and the learning portal (Cornerstone).

As an assistant learning advisor I work with various learning advisers on different learning activities, like ‘EU external action and instruments’, ‘Russia and Eastern Europe’ and ‘Strategic Foresight and Analysis’ training. I’m responsible for practical issues of all kinds, from liaising with trainers, speakers and people from our training locations to placing the right text on our learning portal and communicating with parties in the ministry, including participants.

I also help the learning advisor on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) organise D&I learning activities, such as Speaking Up!, the Unconscious Bias workshop and Inclusive Leadership courses. Together we make sure the overview of learning activities on the Inclusion Plaza is up to date.

Together with our communications advisor, I’m responsible for the Academy’s internal and external communications. My communication tasks include writing promotional texts for our corporate page on LinkedIn, writing and posting news items on our websites, updating web pages and writing content for the LESC newsletter (newsletter for local employees at the missions). We do our best to ensure that information about the Academy and our learning activities reaches staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about any of the learning activities mentioned above, our websites or our corporate page on LinkedIn.